“Don't raise your voice, improve your argument." — Benjamin Lee Whorf
Rules, Guidelines, & Topics for Weekly Debate
Is debate and argument same? This has always been a very tricky question to answer. While they aren’t the same, there aren’t much difference either. Debate is an argument with a proper structure, rules, set time, and in a very friendly environment.
Click here for Schedule & Agenda
Weekly Debate Topics:
- Importance of college education.
- Homeschooling vs traditional schooling.
- Should children carry mobile devices at school?
- Age restriction for violent/shooting video games.
- Pros & cons of social media.
- Private school vs public school
- Pros & cons of traditional education system
- Legalization of marijuana a good idea?
- Country should spend money on education or military/defense?
- Should political leaders be on social media?
- Is technology a curse or boon for society?
- Drug addicts should get help or punishment?
- Should a country spend money on colonizing mars or other planet?
- Spending time with elderly or on social media/phone?
- Is online banking safe?
- Is it ethical to test products on animals?
- Is yearly final exam good for young children?
- Junk food should be banned in school cafeteria?
- Should there be a penalty for people who do not vote.
Rules & Guidelines:
- There should be two teams with at least 2 members in each team.
- Members cannot switch or change the team once the debate has started.
- Once the topic has been decided, one team will speak in favor and the other team will speak against it.
- All members of both teams will get the opportunity to present their opinion.
- Once everyone has presented their opinion, each team will alternatively put their thoughts on why they do not agree with the other team and the counter questions, and rebuttals.
- Only one member can speak at one time. Always raise the virtual hand on Zoom before speaking.
- Do not take anyone’s opinion personal, remember this is just an opportunity to learn and improve speaking.
- Do not use abusive language. Remember that we’re not fighting and also it’s not important to prove your point all the time.
- Do not use any expression which is offensive, personal or defamatory in nature.