Online English Language Practice Events

Come ready to learn, share and relax while speaking English!











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Join The Meeting

Click on the name of the host below for more details of the events.

When: Sundays @ 8:00 AM UTC

Participate in online chats with members from Australia, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, and many other countries.

The most important thing is to practice, even briefly. Stop by to say hello and enjoy the friendly camaraderie of our international community!

Watch and Discuss Movies or TV Shows in English

When: Mondays @ 2:00 PM UTC

Join to view English movies or TV Shows with subtitles. Ask questions in chat during the show. Afterwards, we’ll discuss what we watched to improve listening and learn new vocabulary.

Q&A Sessions for English Learners

When: Wednesdays @ 2:00 PM UTC

This is a Q&A session where you can ask questions related to the English language, grammar, and the UK to clear up any doubts you may have.

English Reading and Speaking Practice

When: Sundays (Bi-Weekly) @ 2:00 PM UTC

This interactive event welcomes English learners of all levels. Advanced beginners and above will benefit most from reading aloud and pronunciation practice. Come improve your reading fluency and speaking abilities together!

Weekly English Chat Club

When: Wednesdays @ 5:00 PM UTC

Casual English Conversations – Chat in our virtual English cafe! Discuss anything from culture to hobbies in a relaxed atmosphere.

Event Description

Join our Telegram group for more information and future updates: 

Welcome to international English language practice club.

Practice your English speaking and comprehension with fellow language learners. This event will be a casual but immersive environment for anyone who wants to learn English.

Our group welcomes everyone who has a desire to speak in English and learn about different cultures. We do not discriminate in anyway, but would like to make you aware of what to expect from attending the meetings. The speaking levels vary, but we are not a group intended for beginners or those who have never been exposed to speaking or learning English. We are also not an advanced group of speakers. We fall in the space of lower intermediate to advanced intermediate speakers.

Learn about the benefits & values of good listening skills

The Top 5 Benefits of Joining an English Conversation Meeting

1. Improving your English skills:

Joining an English conversation meeting can provide you with a structured and supportive environment to practice your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills.

By engaging in discussions on various topics with native and non-native speakers, you can expand your vocabulary, learn idiomatic expressions, improve your pronunciation, and gain confidence in your ability to communicate in English.

2. Enhancing your cultural awareness:

English conversation meetings bring together people from different backgrounds, nationalities, and perspectives, who share a common interest in learning and exchanging ideas in English.

By interacting with people from diverse cultures, you can broaden your horizons, develop your intercultural communication skills, and gain a deeper appreciation of different worldviews and lifestyles.

3. Making new friends:

English conversation meetings are also a great way to meet new people who share your passion for learning and improving their English.

By attending regular meetings, you can establish meaningful connections with fellow learners, build a sense of community, and even make lifelong friends who share your interests and goals.

4. Networking and career opportunities:

Depending on the type and location of the English conversation meeting, you may also have the opportunity to meet English-speaking professionals, recruiters, or entrepreneurs who can provide you with valuable insights, advice, and networking opportunities.

By showcasing your English skills and cultural awareness, you can also enhance your job prospects, especially if you plan to work in an English-speaking environment.

5. Having fun and feeling motivated:

English conversation meetings can be a fun and enjoyable way to learn English, as they often involve games, role plays, quizzes, debates, and other interactive activities that stimulate your curiosity and creativity.

By participating in such activities, you can also boost your motivation and engagement, as you can see the tangible progress you make in your English skills and enjoy the sense of achievement and satisfaction that comes with it.

Joining an English conversation meeting can provide you with numerous benefits, including improving your English skills, enhancing your cultural awareness, making new friends, creating networking opportunities, and having fun while learning.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, attending an English conversation meeting can help you overcome your language barriers, build your confidence, and achieve your personal and professional goals.

With the availability of online English conversation meetings, you can easily find a meeting that suits your schedule and interests, and start your journey to becoming a fluent and confident English speaker. So why not give it a try today and experience the benefits of joining an English conversation meeting for yourself?

Please fill and submit the form below to RSVP

Please mention your name, email, and dates of all the events you want to RSVP for. It is mandatory to RSVP.

Note: You only need to RSVP once, you can join all future events without RSVPing. Check the Zoom link at the top of this page.

RSVP For English

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