French Language Practice Events

Come practice your conversational French in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere!











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Intermediate and above

Click on the name of the host below for more details of the events.

Improve French Speaking and Listening Skills

Join us for an interactive French learning experience where we watch news clips in French and then discuss them together afterward. This is a great way to expand your vocabulary and improve fluency.

Wednesday@ 8:00 PM UTC

In this interactive French listening practice event, we’ll focus on improving your French listening skills. By actively listening and conversing together about what we hear, you’ll notice your French listening abilities quickly improve.

Saturdays@ 8:30 PM UTC

In this French language event, you’ll practice speaking skills in small groups with other learners. Breaking into intimate groups allows for more individualized guidance and back-and-forth conversational practice.

Event Description

Join our Telegram group for more information and future updates: 

Join our international club of francophones for few hours of weekly French conversation with like-minded people! You’ve done many activities to learn, now you’re ready to take it to the next level and practice all you’ve learned so far!

Top 10 French Romantic Songs for Your Fiancé

Our approach is to give attendees as much speech time as possible. We’ll pick a new topic every week. Your suggestions are always welcomed. Please use the RSVP form at the bottom of this page to share any ideas or suggestions with us.

Please try to limit your conversation to French only, as appropriate! So, pull up a chair and parlez avec nous! If you are a beginner and you hear something you don’t understand, please don’t be afraid to ask someone to repeat or explain.

We are all here to learn, and to help each other to learn!

Alex, Pep Talk Radio French Language Host

Meet your host: Alex

Hey! My name is Alex, and I want to help you improve your French conversational skills.

I am from the Philippines. I have lived and studied in Spain, and The United States.

I studied philosophy and liberal arts . I speak English, Tagalog, Spanish, and French. Currently I’m learning German.

Looking forward to see you on Sunday. À bientôt!

6 Effective Ways to Improve Your French Language Skills

If you’re looking to improve your French language skills, there are several effective ways to do so. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, consistent practice and immersion are key to making progress. In this article, we’ll discuss six ways to improve your French skills, so you can start speaking and understanding the language with more confidence.

  1. Take classes: Enroll in a French class either online or in-person. Classes will help you learn grammar rules, sentence structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
  2. Practice speaking: Speak French as much as possible, even if you’re not confident in your ability. Try speaking with native speakers, practicing with a language exchange partner, or recording yourself speaking to assess your progress.
  3. Listen and watch French media: Watch French TV shows, movies, and listen to French music or podcasts. This will help you get used to the sound of French and learn more about the culture.
  4. Read in French: Reading in French will help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension. Start with simple texts like children’s books or graded readers, and work your way up to more challenging material.
  5. Use language learning apps: Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone can help you improve your French skills.
  6. Immerse yourself in French: Try to surround yourself with French as much as possible. Visit French-speaking countries, attend French language events, or find French-speaking communities near you.

Improving your French language skills takes time and effort, but with consistent practice and immersion, you can make steady progress.

Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. By using these six effective methods, you’ll be on your way to speaking French with more fluency and ease.

French Phonetics & Pronunciation

French Grammar for Beginners

Please fill and submit the form below to RSVP

Please mention your name, email, and dates of all the events you want to RSVP for. It is mandatory to RSVP.

Note: You only need to RSVP once, you can join all future events without RSVPing. Check the Zoom link at the top of this page.

RSVP For French

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