Weekly Pep Talk Debate (English)

Participate in our weekly debate and improve your English speaking skills.

Please click on the button below to find all English events and the meeting links.

All English Events

Event Description

Do you know what to say but forget all the words when it’s your turn to speak? Do you lack the confidence to speak in front of people? If so, this is the perfect event for you.

Participating in a debate will not only improve your conversation skills but will also make you smarter. You’ll be forced to use more brain and develop your analytical and research skills.

There will be multiple breakout rooms with a different topic for each room. You’ll be able to decide and choose the room you want to join to participate.

Topics & Rules: Click here for the topics and rules.


  • Topic selection
  • Team division
  • Opening speech
  • Individual opinion
  • Question & Rebuttal
  • Open debate
  • Summary
  • Final decision

Important information:

All the events will be organized via Zoom.

Your cameras should be turned on all the time.

Minors under 18 aren’t allowed to join the debate.

Please fill and submit the form below to RSVP

Please mention your name, email, and dates of all the events you want to RSVP for. It is mandatory to RSVP.

Note: You only need to RSVP once, you can join all future events without RSVPing. Check the Zoom link at the top of this page.

RSVP For Debate (English)

10 + 7 =