Why You Should Reread the Books You Loved as a Child

by | Aug 3, 2023 | Books & Stories

Many of us have fond memories of beloved books we read over and over again as children. As adults, rereading these childhood favorites can be a deeply nostalgic and revealing experience.

In revisiting these books that meant so much to us in our younger years, we may uncover new perspectives and pick up on themes we missed the first time around.

Let’s take a look at the value of revisiting childhood favorite books and walk down memory lane with some classic stories we know and love

Topics Covered in This Article

    • Why Re-Read Children’s Books As An Adult?
    • How Perspectives Can Change
    • Timeless Childhood Favorites
    • Reflecting On Representation
    • 5 Time Capsules Worth Revisiting
    • How to Make Classics Relevant for Kids Today
    • Conclusion

Why Re-Read Children’s Books As An Adult?

There are many reasons why adults may feel drawn to revisiting their most cherished books from childhood.

Here are the top 5 reasons to re-read the books:

1. Nostalgia

Of course, a big motivation is pure nostalgia. These stories are intricately linked to memories of being read to by parents or getting lost in a book for hours.

They bring us back to lazy summer afternoons spent reading under a tree or nights huddled under the covers with a flashlight.

Re-reading these books brings back all those warm, cozy feelings.

2. Simplicity

The simple, straightforward language and storylines in children’s literature can feel like a soothing balm for adults bogged down in the complexities of work and adult responsibilities.

Revisiting these books transports us back to a simpler time.

3. Adult Perspective

With an adult perspective, we may pick up on themes, symbols, or deeper meanings in the books that we glossed over as children.

You may relate to characters in new ways.

4. Share With Children

For parents, reading favorite childhood books alongside their own kids allows them to bond over stories across generations and rediscover why they loved them so much.

5. Critical Analysis

Looking back with a critical eye, especially at very old books, can reveal outdated tropes or stereotypes that provide an interesting window into shifting cultural attitudes.

How Perspectives Can Change

Re-reading a beloved book from childhood doesn’t always live up to rose-colored memories.

Sometimes things may change.

You Understand More

As a child, you may have grasped the basic story but missed layers of subtle humor, wordplay, or complex emotions in the characters.

Revisiting the book, you pick up on so much more.

Different Resonates Now

The themes that once spoke to you strongly may not have the same resonance decades later. Alternatively, a subplot you skimmed over before jumps out now.

No Longer Target Audience

A book that once felt thrilling and fast-paced may now seem overly simplistic or juvenile in its writing.

Modern Lens

With modern sensibilities, you may cringe at outdated stereotypes or normalized prejudices that didn’t give you pause as a young reader.

Magical Feeling Lost

In childhood, books can feel almost magically transportive. As an adult, you may find the “magic” faded away, though the nostalgia remains.

While perspectives can change, you can still appreciate beloved stories while viewing them in a new light. The books themselves haven’t changed – you have.

Timeless Childhood Favorites

While some books fail to hold up over time, many remain timeless classics that adults can enjoy as much as children do.

Here are some of the most enduring favorites:

  • Charlotte’s Web – This tear-jerking tale of friendship still provides lessons in mortality, acceptance, and kindness.
  • Harry Potter series – These fantasy books enthralled a generation and remain a cultural phenomenon satisfying for all ages.
  • The Giving Tree – Shel Silverstein’s poignant metaphor about unconditional love retains its emotional impact.
  • The Little Prince – The profound life lessons hidden within this philosophical fable reveal themselves more with maturity.
  • A Wrinkle in Time – Multi-dimensional adventure blends with deeper messages about good vs. evil, conformity, and courage.
  • Anne of Green Gables – Feisty, beloved Anne Shirley provides friendship and role model lessons as relevant today as in 1908.
  • Winnie-the-Pooh – These vignettes of friendship and simplicity in the Hundred Acre Wood remain a balm for hurried adults.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia – C.S. Lewis’ Christian allegory has messages that take on new meaning through an adult lens.
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Carroll’s surreal wordplay and send-up of Victorian culture stay captivatingly bizarre.
  • The Secret Garden – Lessons about healing, hope, and renewal retain power generations later.

Themes of friendship, courage, loss, imagination, and growing up resonate across generations, making these books as meaningful today as when we first discovered them.

Revisiting them transports us back while inspiring us anew.

Reflecting On Representation

While reading favorite classics through an adult lens can be rewarding, it can also illuminate ideas that feel dated or biased by modern standards.

Some reflection points:

  • Gender stereotypes
  • Racial representation
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Positive values and role models
  • Nostalgia versus uncomfortable tropes

Looking back on beloved stories with a critical eye exposes generations of progress in society since these books first enchanted us.

We can still cherish the stories while acknowledging flaws.

5 Time Capsules Worth Revisiting

Want to dive back into your childhood reading memories?

Here are 5 great books to revisit along with reflection questions to ponder as an adult:

Anne of Green Gables

  • Does Anne still feel like the inspiring, bold heroine you remember? Why or why not?
  • Do any aspects of the story feel different from a modern perspective?
  • What life lessons from Anne have stayed with you?

Charlotte’s Web

  • Does the story convey the same messages about friendship you gained as a child?
  • How does Charlotte’s mortality resonate with you differently now?
  • What do you think of the view of farm life today versus when you first read it?

The Chronicles of Narnia

  • Do the Christian allegories stand out more to you now?
  • Which characters take on new meaning through adult eyes?
  • What messages and morals still hold significance?

The Giving Tree

  • Does the relationship between the boy and the tree seem different to you now?
  • What is your interpretation now of the tree’s “giving” nature?
  • What lessons from your childhood reading still apply now?

Harry Potter

  • Do you notice more layers of allegory/symbolism now as an adult?
  • How does your perception of characters like Snape change over time?
  • What themes stand out now that you may have missed as a kid?

After revisiting a few favorites, you may be surprised what details stand out or which themes take on a completely different meaning today.

You get to rediscover old treasured stories while gaining new perspectives.

How to Make Classics Relevant for Kids Today

Reading Books with Children

For parents hoping to inspire the next generation with classic books they loved growing up, a little reflection on outdated elements may be needed.

Here are tips for sharing classics with today’s kids:

  • Have an open discussion about differences they notice in setting, characters, or values compared to today.
  • Relate key themes to contemporary issues kids can understand. Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web learns about mortality – compare to losing a pet.
  • Point out important representations where they exist, like multi-cultural characters.
  • Discuss positive role models and behaviors that are still relevant.
  • Remind kids stories were written in a different era – some old-fashioned elements.
  • Focus on magical elements that feel timeless, like traveling through a wardrobe into Narnia.
  • Bring classics to life with activities! Reenact scenes, make themed treats described, play music from era of writing.


The combination of nostalgia and new perspective makes revisiting childhood favorite books incredibly rewarding. These books profoundly shaped many childhoods and still have much to offer adults today.

Though some aspects may not have aged perfectly, the core messages continue inspiring generations.

We get to rediscover old classics while forming new connections from an adult lens.

Our childhood favorites still have that magical spark but with a deeper level of meaning revealed over time.