Learn Italian with Livia from Italy

Italian events, open conversation, and more.

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Announcement: Livia is on holidays, so this meeting has been postponed until further notice.

Event Description

Leggiamo insieme un articolo di giornale!

This free event is for level B2 and above. You will be reading some text from a newspaper and you’re welcome to participate in discussions and exchange your ideas – with respect for other people and their opinions!

Leggiamo insieme uno o più articoli tratti da un giornale italiano per ragazzi, e poi li commentiamo. Potremo incontrare nuove parole ed espressioni tipiche, e migliorare la pronuncia.

I live in the North of Italy and I have a degree in Law.

For many years I have been  assisting people who needed to improve their Italian.

Livia - Pep Talk Radio Italian Language Host

Ciao! Sono Livia, una madrelingua italiana.

I like games and in my event I will try to entertain you as well as help you to improve your Italian!


Please mention your name, email, and dates of all the events you want to RSVP for. It is mandatory to RSVP.

Find the Zoom link at the top of this page. You can join every Sunday at 12:30 PM GMT.

RSVP (Italian Events):

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