Turkish Dictation Exercise with Yunus Tunçbilek

Embrace the Language and Culture: Dive into Learning Turkish

Learn Turkish

Note: Yunus has cancelled the Turkish classes until further notice.

In the meantine you can click on the above button to learn or practice Turkish using the avilable course.

Note: You must be 18+ to join this course.

Yunus is a graduate student at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

His area is pure mathematics, more specifically, Lie algebras and their representations.

Yunus - Pep Talk Radio Turkish Language Host

He has been teaching Turkish since November 2022.

The course is free of charge and happens every Sunday on Zoom.

Benefits of learning Turkish

Learning Turkish can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Cultural immersion: Turkey has a rich and diverse culture, and learning Turkish allows you to engage more deeply with its people, history, literature, music, and traditions. It opens doors to understanding and appreciating Turkish films, music, and art forms that may not be as widely available in other languages.
  2. Travel and communication: If you plan to visit Turkey, knowing the local language can greatly enhance your travel experience. While many people in tourist areas might speak English, venturing off the beaten path or interacting with locals on a deeper level becomes easier when you can speak their language. It allows you to navigate daily life, order food, ask for directions, and connect with locals more effectively.
  3. Business and professional opportunities: Turkey has a growing economy and is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Learning Turkish can open doors for business opportunities, especially if you plan to work or invest in Turkey or engage with Turkish companies. It demonstrates your commitment to understanding the local culture and facilitates communication with potential business partners.
  4. Academic and research purposes: Turkey has a long and storied history, and studying Turkish can be valuable for academic pursuits in fields such as archaeology, history, anthropology, or linguistics. It allows you to access primary sources, research materials, and scholarly work in the Turkish language.
  5. Personal growth and intellectual challenge: Learning any language expands your mind and enhances cognitive abilities. Turkish, with its unique grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, can be intellectually stimulating. It provides a new perspective and helps develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  6. Family and personal connections: If you have Turkish-speaking family members or friends, learning Turkish can deepen your connection with them. It allows you to communicate with them in their native language, understand their cultural references, and build stronger relationships.

Remember that learning a language requires time, dedication, and practice. It’s essential to set realistic goals, find suitable resources, and immerse yourself in the language as much as possible through conversations, reading, listening to music, watching movies, and engaging with native speakers.